Our Products


Cube Wafers


Intervali is a renowned and innovative confectionery company specializing in the production of high-quality wafers in a variety of delicious flavors. Since its inception in 2005, Intervali has consistently delivered delightful taste experiences to its customers worldwide. With a focus on excellence, creativity, and customer satisfaction, Intervali has emerged as a leader in the confectionery industry.

A taste of Kosovo's best

Commitment to Quality

Intervali takes pride in maintaining the highest standards of quality throughout our production process. We source premium ingredients to ensure the authenticity and richness of each flavor.

Innovation and Creativity

Our dedicated team of flavor experts and culinary artisans are always exploring new avenues of creativity. We constantly innovate to bring unique flavor combinations to the market, ensuring that every bite of our wafers is a delightful surprise.

Global Presence

From our humble beginnings in 2005, Intervali has grown into a global brand, exporting our products to numerous countries. Our commitment to consistent quality and diverse flavors has earned us a loyal customer base worldwide.

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